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  4. How to use Quick Filters in the Contacts module of Vryno CRM

How to use Quick Filters in the Contacts module of Vryno CRM

1. Login to Vryno CRM Account: Navigate to the Vryno CRM login page and enter your credentials to access your account.

2. Go to Contacts Module: Once logged in, locate and click on the “Contacts” module in the main navigation menu.


3. Select All Fields: From the dropdown menu in the top-left corner, select “All Fields” to display comprehensive contacts information.


4. Apply Filters: Select the three lines (usually representing menu options) and apply filters based on your specific needs.


5. Click on Action: Locate and click on the “Action” button to access additional functionalities.


6. Save View as New: Within the Actions menu, choose “Save view as New” to preserve the current grid view with applied filters.


7. Type Custom View Name: A prompt will appear; enter a custom name for your view, such as “Hannah’s Contacts.”


8. Click on Save: Click the “Save” button to store the customized view under the specified name.

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