How to Mass Update Deals in Vryno CRM:
- Login to Vryno CRM: Log in to Vryno CRM using your credentials.
- Access the Deals Module: Go to the ‘Deals’ module once logged in.
- Click on the Three Dots (Options) in the Top Right Corner: Locate the three dots in the top right corner of the Deals module and click on them.
- Select ‘Mass Update’: From the options menu, choose ‘Mass Update.’
- Specify Criteria for Filtering: Define the criteria to filter out the records you want to update.
- Click on ‘Search’: After specifying the criteria, click ‘Search’ to view the filtered records.
- Select All Records: If you want to update all the filtered records, select all of them.
- Click on ‘Mass Update’: Once the records are selected, click on ‘Mass Update’ again.
- Edit Fields as Needed: You can now edit the fields of the selected records according to your requirements.
- Click on ‘Update’: After making the necessary changes, click on ‘Update’ to apply the updates.
- View Updated List of Deals: You should now see the list of Deals with the updated information.